Five Skills You Must Avoid in Unreal Blueprints - Bind Event

뽀또치즈맛 2024. 6. 3. 02:54

Five programming skills, 
why are they so bad in BP

Do you know 5 bad programming in bp?
They are Cast To, Event Tick, Bind Event, Delay and Get All Actors Of Class.

  1. Cast To
  2. Event Tick
  3. Delay
  4. Get All Actors of Class
  5. Bind Event


The difference between binding function and
a normal function is that the binding function works the same as the event tick,
which we've covered that in the previous post.
How bad the event ticks are.


This picture illustrates a function using binding.
How does it look?
Let's avoid designing Blueprints in this way.
You can see that it is being called repeatedly.

This is the worst way of creating player health bar.
If you want game to run properly you should never use this type of player health.